The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Here we go y’all. PROOF! UNFILTERED & un-photoshopped photos of Melissa Threet & Bobby Threet. I also added a 2nd pic, a side by side comparison photo so you can truly see how f*cked in the head this slore is! And she claims that is how they look in real life! LIES. A REAL untouched photo beside a photo she has been passing off as real. HILARIOUS! She claims she has had tons of plastic surgery to look like she does but you can clearly see in the 4 pic collage that all she has done to her face is over fill her lips with un even fillers and pile on gobs of make up. She is NOT a make up artist, as you can see by her ugly face she has no clue how to apply make up. The only thing she IS, is a liar, pathological liar, con artist & Thief! She is stealing pics off the internet and posts them as her own. Reverse image search is a real thing and it proves with every post what a lying piece of sh1t she is! The jig is up Melissa! The truth is out. It turns out you ARE as ugly as your nasty words portray you to be. You love to slander other people when in reality YOU are the one that is lying and stealing. You steal photos, you steal cars, you steal identities. When you get caught you try to spin it. It’s not working any more. YOU have a criminal record and that is a FACT! You lie, your filtered photoshopped pics lie but Google doesn’t lie!