The Worst Gold Diggers Author – It’s the self claimed queen elizabeth the 3rd is the biggest low life piece of TRASH there is she will suck your d1ck wait till you fall asleep and rob you of everything you own and then go as far as ta start ta tell people you beat her .she has no soul look into her eyes and all you will see is black emptyness. She Fuks and FUKS over every single person she
Sophia 16 April 2021 at 6:20 pm
So, happy birthday tomorrow… unfortunately you get to see your 22nd and beautiful ppl like my daughter won’t see that year. You stole from her room, while I let you stay in MY home because I felt sorry for you because you had nowhere to go. You are a lying, cheating, stealing, disrespectful, horrible person and you are not worth Ryan’s time or anyone elses for that matter. You have no remorse for anything you do and all you have is excuses not apologies! I really hope you try to rectify how you treat other people and acknowledge what you actually put them through! You have hurt too many people close to me and I swear I will find justification somehow! Id say I hope you rot in hell but I’m pretty sure I’m gonna be there at some point and it’ll be a fucking blast and I don’t want you to ruin it for me. I advise you to leave Ryan, and anyone else I know, the fuck alone cus I’m tired of hearing about your bullshit towards them. So take this as you will but hopefully it’s as a warning and not a threat. PS I’ve got the Cops, The Support, The Portuguese and
Replyanyone I fucking want in Abbotsford watching my back so you’d better be watching yours. DO NOT step foot near clearbrook because all Keira’s friends know you now and know how you disrespected her, Carl, myself, Jaiden, Brandon, Ryan and all of those kids who loved her and wanted to spend the day of her memorial that THEY, as 15yr olds (whom have more respect and etiquette than you do at 22 yrs of age) set up at MRC. If you had been a decent human being you could have been a part of that, because I truly tried to help you and have you be a part of our lives. Upon what I’ve said in this message you can hopefully be feeling, in your own mind, every single day, a gut wrenching feeling of guilt, selfishness, disrespect and stupidity for your actions on a day that (FFS Elizabeth) WAS NOT ABOUT YOU!!!!!!!!!! I had to kick you out of my home on THE MOTHER FUCKING NIGHT that the police came to notify Carl and I about our daughter because you were crying for Ryan to acknowledge YOU when he was trying to console Carl and I mere MINUTES after we were told the news. Ppl like you are what’s wrong with the world and you can give your son story to whomever you like but as I said to you, we’ve ALL been thru shit in our lives so fucking suck it up buttercup and quit using your past as an excuse as to how your current behavior towards others is justified.