The Worst Gold Diggers Author-  She was evicted. And she had a bullsh1t sob story. When her lips move, she is lying. She doesn’t know how to tell the truth. I took her in, out of pity. So she could be with her dying dog. I caught her doing crack in my house. She slept all day, and locked herself in her for every night for a month and a half. She was doing crack that entire time. 2 entire boxes of baking soda disappeared. She smoked an entire inheritance. 2 houses. Hundreds of thousand $$. Her dog died. She brought in her cat. I paid for the cat food and treats. I bought the food for the house. She chipped in for 1 pack of hamburger and a roast. And ate every day for a month and a half. She claims to have done me favors. They were drug runs, disguised as favors that i never asked for. Then, when i caught her doing crack, she robbed me. And she and kept her cat locked in the room with her and the crack. She’s been a floozy for over 30 years, and now i know why. My name is Tammy. And now I’m texting the cvnt to let her know she is on”the dirty”. I can’t wait to see what that lying crackhead has to say about me. Her kids hate her. My kid loves me.