be careful of this guy Dave Gareipy guys. He will promise u help if you’re vunerable. Let you stay at his house for a bit couple weeks til u got all the stuff u own in his garage then when you’re away HE WILL ROB U FOR EVERYTHING YOU GOT AND THEN SOME HE DOES NOT CARE. On top of that, he is a HACKER and if you log in on his computer he will HACK ur facebook AND PHISH for girls naked pictures and for peoples passwords by going on your account turning off the notifications with people he’s messaging while pretending to be you, He will hack your gmail n get nude private pictures then go on your facebook and send them to GIRLLS speaking in a way to try to entice the girl he’s sending your pics to to send some pics back. Then he’ll say to others “hey can u let me use ur facebook to creep someone/” HE IS A CREEP WEIRDO oh n on top of that the piece of sh*t has a wife in which he freeloads off her. She thinks they’re together. He tells everyone he aint with her and it’s his house, but really it’s hers. He freeloads in the garage putting her life more and more in danger dealing with very bad people who kick his door in because he’s ripped them off and such and she’s a square lady that doesn’t do any drugs. She dont deserve this from a piece of pathetic sh*t man.